Laine Arleta Hoffman has arrived! Our first few weeks as parents...

Hello there! I have been a bit silent on the blog for the past few weeks… But I had a good reason: I’ve recently pushed a baby out! Though it seems like ages ago now that I gave birth, as our baby’s first few weeks were a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions. But now that things are stabilizing a bit, I thought I’d give Laine a bit of an introduction to the world.

On Sunday, June 27th, 2021, at 3:05 pm we welcomed our sweet baby girl into the world. I’d like to introduce you to Laine Arleta Hoffman. She made her entrance weighing in at 7 lbs. 6 oz and 19.5″ long.

She loves her hands, being outside, and is big time fan of her dad! Her sleep schedule still is getting worked out, but that will come in time. She has been in the creamery for most cheesemakes since her birth and goes to the barn each day with me to help take care of the girls as well.

If there was a photo to sum up Lainey’s life so far, it would be this one- fully immersed in our business, our lifestyle and our passion. She’s a resilient child- going along with our days with not much fuss. Most of her days start in the barn with morning milking, then into the creamery, and then back out to the barn or into the fields. She’s good natured about the movement. Just don’t forget her blanket!

We hope to instill foundational characters blocks like valuing hard work, appreciating your family, resiliency and reliability which come from caring for animals, the land and contributing to something bigger than yourself by being raised on the farm.

If she decides she don’t want to farm- that’s totally okay! We will always foster interests outside of the farm, but the foundation that comes from being a farm kid is going to make her into a better person, employee and members of society in the future.

This life is never easy, but life in the farm is truly one of the best places to grow up. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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